James Allinson


James Allinson is a husband and father of two.

Initially a wannabe children's author, James soon became sick of non-swearing heroes and the crushing restraints of morality and, driven by the maverick lack of focus that has dominated his entire life, stopped writing books for kids and instead started writing childish stuff for his own amusement. Fortuitously (for the world of literature although not necessarily his bank account), this resulted in the accidental birth of a hilarious – albeit apparently, unmarketable – comedic fantasy series about a poncho-wearing, vegan dragon named George.

Ideally, James would love his books to earn him a fortune, entertain his readers, and attract the absolute least number of violent threats possible (in that order). 

For ranting and shameless self-promotion, follow James on Twitter (@amateurishactor).

For less controversial tweeting about book releases, follow @ChickpeaChron.

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